Company information - at a glance

Name: Müller Fleisch GmbH

Management: Stefan Müller, Martin Müller, Steffen Malke

Founding year: 1959

Turnover: Approx. 500 million euros per year

Employees: Approx. 1,000 employees

Slaughter volume:
Approx. 120,000 cattle per year
Approx. 1 million pigs per year at the Ulm site for Müller Fleisch.

Distribution channels, at home and abroad: Food retailers, discounters, processing industry, wholesalers, bulk consumers, butchers, restaurants, import, export



Commercial register no.: HRB 501623 Mannheim

VAT ID no.: DE 811273596


EU approval number: DE BW 03550 EG

We consider ourselves well placed to further expand and continuously improve the market position of the companies in the Müller Group.